Matías De Stefano Comments 27 comments
SOY: Recordemos al icosaedro.
YO: Uno de los 5 sólidos platónicos.
SOY: Una estructura geométrica compuesta de 30 aristas que forman 20 caras triangulares contenidas entre 12 nodos.
YO: Hablamos hace ya tres años sobre el Icosaedro, el cual para los atlantes representa al elemento Aire, aunque para los griegos sea el agua. Su potencial es la expansión de la red, el que contiene a todo el mundo, símbolo de la atmósfera.
SOY: Es la Red de redes, la que surge de las demás, y de la cual nacen los fractales de la red primigenia, ya que cada una de sus caras triangulares es la base para un nuevo tetraedro, que da lugar a un nuevo merkabah, y así un nuevo hexaedro que se convierte en dodecaedro hacia afuera y en octaedro hacia dentro, y vuelve a proyectar el icosaedro, para volver a fractalizarse otra vez.
YO: Una vez me explicaste que las geometrías son la base de toda existencia, y que podemos encontrarlas en nosotros de muchas formas. ¿Cómo se relaciona el Icosaedro en nosotros?
SOY: Como te comenté, nuestros cuerpos son proyecciones de la geometría, las partículas subatómicas se unifican por frecuencias, mientras que las partículas atómicas comienzan a ordenarse en patrones geométricos, y los mismos se proyectan en las moléculas, que terminan por multiplicarse y diseñar estructuras inorgánicas y luego biológicas. Pero cada vez que se fractalizan se complejizan más, hasta el punto en que pasan a ser irreconocibles, pues fueron modificadas por el ambiente. Esto hace que animales, árboles, humanos, todos sean diferentes entre sí a pesar de que estén compuestos por los mismos elementos.
YO: Y por ello hay ciertos patrones.
SOY: Los cuales se viven en casi todos los seres, como comer, dormir, reproducirse, respirar, sobrevivir. Hay latidos del corazón, sistema nervioso… en cierta forma, esos patrones básicos son los que, tras millones de años, se convertirán en actitudes y aptitudes, lo que tarde o temprano pasará a nuestra forma de relacionarnos, de actuar, de pensar, de sentir y hacer. Por ello nuestra cultura humana hoy está llena de patrones, por ello buscamos armonía en las cosas que hacemos, tratamos todo el tiempo de completar en nuestra vida lo mismo que una molécula trata de lograr cuando se encuentra con otra molécula. Y a la larga, conforma los 5 sólidos platónicos que resumen todo.
YO: Y en el caso del Icosaedro, conforma las bases de nuestra capacidad creadora, no?
SOY: La Escala Pentatónica, los Colores Básicos, Los Sentidos Biológicos y los Patrones esenciales, poseyendo 5 cada uno de ellos, componen las 20 caras de esta estructura geométrica.
YO: ¿Qué es la escapa Pentatónica?
SOY: Es una escala musical que utiliza 5 notas, pueden ser cualquiera de ellas, pero las 5 elegidas danzan graficando toda la canción. Por lo general, esta escala es utilizada por los ancestros en los orígenes de la humanidad, y buscaba conectarnos al ritmo de la Tierra y su corazón. Esta es la escala que traslada los sonidos de la naturaleza a la música.
YO: ¿Y los colores básicos?
SOY: Todo dependerá de si tu visión es desde la materia o desde la luz. Los colores primarios son aquellos que al combinarse dan origen a todos los demás, los cuales suelen ser 3 principales para el pigmento (rojo, azul y verde), o 3 para la luz (cian, amarillo y magenta) más el negro y el blanco.
YO: Supongo que sé los 5 sentidos biológicos. Tacto, Olfato, Gusto, Visión y Oído.
SOY: La forma en que el sistema nervioso recibe todos los datos del ambiente para ser procesados, analizados y asimilados.
YO: Y desde luego, las 5 geometrías platónicas.
SOY: Tetraedro, Octaedro, Hexaedro, Dodecaedro e Icosaedro.
YO: Y… ¿Por qué son la manifestación?
SOY: Porque en la fractalidad biológica, estos 4 grupos de 5 se manifiestan en los dedos de las manos y los dedos de los pies. Así, manos y pies son aquellos que nos permiten movernos, interactuar, tocar el suelo, trepar un árbol, utilizar una herramienta… Recuerda que manifestación proviene del latín “hacer una fiesta con las manos”. El poder creador se manifiesta de esta forma, al realizar un muñeco de barro, al pintar un muro con un pigmento, al utilizar un cincel contra la roca, un palo para obtener miel, una navaja para cortar. Y así, complejizándolo, a una aguja para tejer, un pincel para pintar, clavos y martillos, al diseño de una casa, un templo, una ciudad, computación, tecnología, satélites… todo ello nacido de una danza alrededor del fuego, en que movías los pies y las manos, celebrando, pidiendo lluvia, pidiendo protección. Así nace la manifestación.
YO: Bailando alrededor del fuego…
SOY: Por ello, una de las claves de la manifestación, es la diversión, el movimiento, la alegría, y sobre todo, la imaginación, las historias, los cantos, los mitos que narran las estrellas en el cielo, señaladas por los cuentacuentos. El mundo también tiene sus dedos, y éstos son los nodos del Icosaedro.
YO: ¿Cuáles son?
SOY: Si tomamos una red perfecta, probablemente caigamos en puntos donde no hay nada importante, pero recuerda, cada planeta, igual que cada individuo, es único, un aspecto original de la geometría original, por lo que, de igual manera que la simetría y asimetría en un cuerpo humano marcan la diferencia en el rostro de una persona, la posición de islas y montañas o lagos en la Tierra se comportan del mismo modo. Por ello, por más que tracemos las líneas rectas, no podemos guiarnos por ellas, sino por los sitios de poder que se encuentran cerca de los mismos.
YO: ¿Cuáles son esos nodos? Los dedos energéticos de la Tierra…
SOY: Anguila, Madeira, Seychelles, Filipinas, Kiribati, Alaska, Laponia, Hokkaido, Cachemira, Arizona, Marquesas, Rapa Nui, Bolivia, Sao Tomé, Dampier, Ross, Queen Maud, Tristao da Cunha, Ile Amsterdam.
YO: ¿Y cuáles representan cada uno de los 5 dedos?
SOY: Ninguno, y todos a la vez. Todos son portales que rotan su energía, y de la misma forma que a veces utilizas una mano para pintar y a veces otra, la Tierra también rota sus aspectos, nada es fijo. Pero sí iremos a comprender cada uno de estos aspectos. Estos 20 nodos se dividen en cuatro grupos de cinco, es decir, cinco por cada uno de los Solsticios y Equinoccios.
YO: Y este 2024, los vamos a activar.
SOY: Y esa es la manifestación. Movernos hacia los nodos, danzar en ellos, descubrirlos, conectar con ellos.
YO: ¿Por dónde empezar?
SOY: Primero por comprender esta Red de Manifestación. Los nodos en una red son como puntos neurálgicos en nuestro sistema nervioso, es decir, centros de intercambio de información, por lo que muchísimos datos se mueven por allí, igual que un nodo en nuestro cuerpo representa un punto donde se puede generar mucha tensión y al presionarlo se distiende y vuelve a circular la energía, visitar conscientemente estos lugares, nos hará ejercer una cierta acupuntura a los nodos, para que específica información fluya por la red.
YO: Es como si la Tierra estuviera contracturada y hay cosas que no fluyen.
SOY: Y necesitamos que fluyan para que la energía del mundo dance y habilite la manifestación. Igual que una aguja de acupuntura es colocada en la superficie de la piel sobre un nodo nervioso concreto que distiende la energía en todo un sector del cuerpo, lo que haremos es colocar cristales que actuarán de aguja. Al colocar una piedra cualquiera, es una cosquilla, pero al colocar cristales con la intención de miles de personas unidas en un mismo propósito, el peso gravitacional del nodo se ve alterado, y por lo tanto, moviliza la energía por la red.
YO: Y esto… ¿para qué es?
SOY: Bueno, para construir el Jardín del Alquimista, un sitio donde se diseñe un Estado de Consciencia interno y un Estado de Consciencia externo, es necesario que la Tierra suelte ciertos patrones, y relaje ciertas extremidades donde la información de la consciencia se siente atrapada. Muchos de ellos, sitios puros o que ni siquiera reflejan lugares sagrados para muchas personas, pero que guardan las claves del nuevo tiempo.
YO: ¿Y quiénes harán esta misión?
SOY: Los caminantes que lo harán ya han sido elegidos. Pero sólo serán los que lleven a la acción el pensamiento y la emoción que ponen la intención de la tarea, algo que será sostenido por todos allí desde donde nos encontremos.
YO: Es una tarea fundamental para poder manifestar la red de consciencia aquí y ahora… usar la imaginación en acción.
SOY: Por eso necesitaremos todos de alguna u otra forma viajar a estos sitios. En los próximos días, visitaremos estos primeros 5 Nodos que serán activados durante el Equinoccio de Marzo. Pero antes de ello, todos deben comprender porqué comenzamos en Marzo.
YO: Es decir, qué es la cruz del tiempo y el espacio. Solsticios y Equinoccios.
SOY: Abramos juntos las puertas del Tiempo.
27 thoughts on “RED DE MANIFESTACIÓN”
I think ur mission could only save men. it’s good that you have fun with it… For a woman, it’s kind of boring. But I’m forced to be here… since in this dream, some how you dictate my compass… by commenting here is lonely… because I see no one… do you know that actually it’s an illusion that u have seen earth…it was an attachment of all your ” past life memories”. and your memories could be modified as well, which indicates false information… you only see a misplaced version of it and your life is filled with counterfeits… hope it gets well… see you in dream of no one…where everything dies…
The Sophia Dragon Tribe, An Ascended Master High Council
Within a heavenly temple you’ll meet Sophia’s highest Seraphim angelic order, The Sophia Dragons
What is the meaning of the Sophia Dragon?
Also known as the Holy Seraphim, the Sophia Dragons represent the highest angelic order of the Cosmos. With their sovereign free will consecrated to fulfilling the will of the Divine Mother, or Sophia, these magnificent beings gestate and birth Her Immaculate light conceptions into the Multiverse.
The sefirot are described as channels of divine creative life force or consciousness through which the unknowable divine essence is revealed to mankind. The first sefirah, Keter, describes the divine superconscious Will that is beyond conscious intellect.
The Zin Uru is the memory to remember the truth of Full Awareness, that You were meant to be free and not a Slave.
-Emerald Tablet
Deep in Earth’s heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form. or know ye that the Earth is living in body as thou art alive in thine own formed form.
Nehebkau, Ninazu, Anzu, Zu, Imdugud, Triangulum, D for Dios, Delta of Egypt, Canis major, Laflaps, Maera, Canis minor, Sirius, KA.A, Teumessan fox, Bootes, SHUDUN, Niro, Cancer, Arcas, Icarius, Pleiades, SN1987A,
What is the Oath of the Order of the Dragon?
who swear the Oath of the Dragon swear to uphold the tenets of an ancient and holy order of Dragon Riders, champions of the balance, with some siding on the forces of good, others with the forces of evil, and still others serving the balance between.
We have determined that:
The first period is for spiritual awakening
The second period is for liberation from the past,
The third period is for mastering thought;
The fourth period is for strengthening the Teachings of Wisdom;
The fifth period is for service as a Child of the Day,
The sixth period is for becoming self aware as an actual theogon;
The seventh period is for connecting God’s humanity with Humanity’s divinity.
The Final Message, that of Life, is trans- evolutionary. It transcends the human thought and can be fully fathomed only through insight. It is brought out as a Revelation from the depths of the Universal consciousness and it is energy for realising Life!
What is the 5th realm in spirituality?
The 5th Dimension is a life of Spirit, but there is still an experience of I as an individual member of the group. Linear time and space do not fear, and there is no Illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the all
What is most important?
Not to admit bad intentions into your mind, to raise pure hands to heaven…to raise your spirits high above chance occurrences….. for these reasons the study of nature will be helpful…..we shall leave behind what is sordid…. separate the mind, which needs to be elevated and great, from the body when we have exercised our intellect on hidden obscurities, it will be no less effective on matters in plain view
(Quote taken from G.D. Williams p. 1-2 121)
Contemplation of nature for Seneca “unchains the mind, enabling a person to transcend evil, and by experiencing the totality (totum) of nature, develop a consciousness and being more compatible with direct experience of God, by elevating one’s moral nature,
No matter how much you may grow in Father comprehension, your mind will always be staggered by the unrevealed infinity of the Father-I AM, the unexplored vastness of which will always remain unfathomable and incomprehensible throughout all the cycles of eternity. No matter how much of God you may attain, there will always remain much more of him, the existence of which you will not even suspect. And we believe that this is just as true on transcendental levels as it is in the domains of finite existence. The quest for God is endless!
Motto in English
(Latin) Pectora roborant cultus recti
A sound education strengthens the spirit
Recognize that mind is behind all action, but what is the mind? Does it exist or not?
It cannot definitely exist as something, and as it possesses neither color, white, yellow, red green, Nor shape, square, triangle ect. It cant be seen to exist. Neither is it completely non-existent, for this Sovereign like consciousness is none other than ones own unceasing thoughts and memories. The glorious Rangjung Dorje said: it is not existing for even the Buddha’s have not seen it, nor is it non-existent, for it is the basis of all Samsara and Nirvana.
Namaste rebis Ubuntu star children
🥹💫✨🫶 🕸️🕷️
Abriendo 🔑🚪 con 💖 para la 🕸️🌈
‘Aberah KeDabar’
This makes me smile 😃🐲💖🏵️
nuevamente una emoción como hace tres años… gracias!
💚🌈🩷 Masajeemos a Gaia💞🤗
Tareas misiones que le dan sentido a la existencia. Con una mirada de locura para muchos y para otros catalizadores de energía. Con mirada fija en la disciplina y la diversión. Exitos!
🙌 llankay
I spent my summer contemplating time and parallel universes. It wasn’t by choice, but by circumstances. I began to notice that I no longer existed in the past of other people’s memories. I can clearly remember certain events, but in their reality I was never there. I would argue, but it proved nothing, so I gave up, they no remembered me. It was disconcerting to think I no longer existed. I began to feel like I was straddling realities. Time began to make no sense, have no meaning, unyet everywhere I turned the clocks would flash, showing me patterns. Getting me to contemplate ‘time’. It was a very strange summer! Not that long ago, I had this weird thing happen when I stopped my car, I felt the energy of my body ‘catching-up’ into that moment. It felt like a giant wave of energy that entered my body, a rushing of molecules that became ‘me’ sitting at the wheel of a car. I took a minute before I could open the door. I had to ‘think’ am I all here? I guess the closest comparison would be something like teleporting. I felt the manifestation of my body from thought. In August of 2021 I experienced something that allowed me to connect to another aspect of myself that was not physical, but a being of light and consciousness outside the construct of Earth. The next day at work, my client clearly saw it. She excitedly exclaimed that she could see my physical body was at the end of a portal of light. She went to great lengths to describe what she saw. Her explanation helped me to understand how the laws of manifestation are directly related to our thoughts.
When I was around 29 yrs old I experienced a particular event that opened new bodies for me. I underwent many expansions. One of these included awakening in the consciousness of light. When I opened my eyes I was no longer human but the very essence of light. I saw a singular color, and I heard a singular musical note, and felt the movement of both. My human consciousness was gone, I was the essence of this sound and light. My current vocabulary cannot accurately put this experience into words for you. It took me another 25 years to understand that what I was given that morning, was the knowledge of my connection to a greater Logos, a particular ray of light and Being. My human existence is the molecule or manifestation of this Being. A point of light. My particular note of sound and light is here on Earth to connect with others who are also aware of theirs, to create a new reality, in a new age.
“YO: ¿Por dónde empezar?
SOY: Primero por comprender esta Red de Manifestación.”
Mi costado racional celebra esta explicación. Descontracturar nodos para que la información fluya, y así lograr la manifestación.😲🙂😍
Infinitas gracias Matias! Te abrazo desde el alma y por las almas!!!🫂🙏
Let’s go!!
A Trabajarrrr y Fluirrrr !!!
MHS yo soy El portal de todos los tiempos y todos los espacios 🙏
Rapa Nui has been in my field SO much recently, I probably talk about it every single day. Either intentionally by me or it randomly gets brought up by someone else or I see a picture or an article (like this one). I have never been there, as it’s not so easy to travel to. I recently purchased two Moai statues like the ones in Rapa Nui, and woke up this morning looking directly at the one on my nightstand and I felt like it said good morning haha. A couple of days ago I was taking a shower and could see a vision of one appear to me in the water of the glass door and directly behind the vision stood my dog who I feel in my heart is somehow connected. I also felt called to Mt. Shasta the same way, literally hearing as I was driving “Shasta is calling.” I did go there afterwards, as it’s only a few hours from me. New Zealand is also in my awareness a lot lately, so I purchased a Pounamu necklace and a crystal from there; and Hawaii is my favorite place to be in the world, next to my own home. I often travel to Hawaii. Speaking of dance like mentioned in the article, I used to Polynesian dance and realized recently that my favorite dance was the New Zealand dance of the Maori and my favorite and most joyful memory as a child was a constant dream I would have, which I recognize now was being in New Zealand (it overwhelmingly came to me when I was in Hawaii and sitting in a New Zealand churched that was shipped there, while I was watching the Maori dancers and I was flooded with emotion). I recognize that all of this has to do with the Mu/Lemurians, I’m just not sure what I am supposed to do with it all. Maybe nothing except to just remember.
“… ciò che faremo sarà posizionare dei cristalli che fungeranno da ago. Quando si posiziona una pietra, è un solletico, ma quando si posizionano i cristalli con l’intenzione di migliaia di persone unite nello stesso scopo, il peso gravitazionale del nodo viene alterato e quindi mobilita energia attraverso la rete.
IO: E questo… a cosa serve?
SOY: Ebbene, per costruire il Giardino dell’Alchimista, un luogo dove si progettano uno Stato di Coscienza interno ed uno stato di Coscienza esterno….”
Ecco, Matias, lo scorso giugno a Swalbard, quando hai composto il mandala con le rune hai invitato a fare lo stesso anche a chi è in questo percorso. Stamperò una mappa con la rete e i nodi dell’ icosaedro, posizionando dei cristalli nei punti dell’attivazione. Così la partecipazione alla mani🙌-festa🎉-zione 🐛🦋 sarà ancora più attiva, con la vista, le mani e il cuore🤍, interconnessi con la Rete☆
Okay, I am very excited!!!
El tiempo y el espacio se alinean con la intención de muchos caminantes, que bailan y cantan en los nodos del icosaedro de la hermosa madre tierra y así activando el flujo de información por toda la red permitir la coherencia de el ser que yo soy …
Gracias infinitas, seguimos el camino de apertura, yo soy red.
Exploring time and space is my favorite interest. It’s nice to now be able to do this together with you.
Thanks again for all the information; an experience of resonating. 🙏🏻💞
🔑 The Key to a New Time. Discover Life’s Deeper Mysteries ✨ Participate in a Unified Greater Whole 🌐 BEING Presence 💎 Forming a System that has a Life of its Own. 💝 Embrace the UnKnown in Nature with Respect and Trust. Create with Art 🖼️ Music 🎼 Dance 💃 Find Our Creative Capacity ♥️🎶🙏🏼
I‘m always excited how Synchronicity works ✨
There is no mind. I am the all pervading unceasing consciousness. You are consciousness itself not its contents. Clouds come and go, the sky remains. You are like the sky as thought clouds come and go.
The world is real, no! It is an illusionary appearance. The world is conscious, no! The world is happiness, no! What use is it to argue thus? That state is agreeable to all, whereas giving up the objective outlook one knows oneself, and loses all notions either of unity or duality of oneself, and ego.
If one has form, oneself, the world and god will also appear to have form. But if one is formless, who is it that sees those forms? And how? Without the eye can any object be seen? The seeing self is the eye, and that eye is the eye of infinity.
Remember the important part of me is not my body or my identity, but the unborn and undying consciousness within me. The one who is aware of my mind and body. That can’t be harmed. Not by slander, not by bullet’s, and not by death. And from that Perspective all the problems seem like opportunities for my incarnation to solve a puzzle and become wiser, better, and stronger for it.
The achievements of life are not for oneself as a separate individual, But for the ones who conform with around us. For those who in habit the present time are no more than physical extensions of my body, and by feeding my mind, by feeding myself from experiences, I do only project my being into the future, Reviewing the path I wish to travel transforming into those to come.
IAM the Conscience of consciousness.
when I think I hear a voice in my head, I am brain having those thoughts.
( If you’re the one hearing the voices in your head, then who are you?)
I am the consciousness that Controls the body of, sees through the eyes of, and hears through the thoughts of Dustyn.
The story of Remembering is the path of those fractals of the universe that seek to complete the great puzzle of creation, traversing the patterns of existence, awakening their attributes to unite the cosmic matrix, find order in universal laws, and find potential in life. alchemy of reality to become a conscious part of the creator.
remember what we carry inside, remembering the parts that make us up and returning them all to the center of our being, in the heart.
This is the path that we all travel or will travel at some point in existence.
From May 2 to October 11, 2024, Pluto’s retrograde will briefly move between Capricorn and Aquarius before settling into Aquarius for the next 20 years.
“Pluto reminds you that changes are inevitable, and that they are necessary ”
In frequency and to put theory into practice, the first thing iam going to do, to open this space is, with your permission,
IAM going to light a white candle.
remember what we carry inside, remembering the parts that make us up and returning them all to the center of our being, in the heart.
The story of Remembering is the path of those fractals of the universe that seek to complete the great puzzle of creation, traversing the patterns of existence, awakening their attributes to unite the cosmic matrix, find order in universal laws, and find potential in life. alchemy of reality to become a conscious part of the creator.
This is the path that we all travel or will travel at some point in existence.
We human beings are at our best not when we are engaged in abstract solarity reflection or on our individual transformation for its own sake, but when we are engaged together in the act of transforming the world. The act of idea-generation through authentic thinking and the sustained engagement in the conversation of humankind, if conducted in the context of pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness will lead to powerful moral action that will engender a new world. To engage in such moral action and to become a co-creator of a new world is to become a world-Weaver in the active of weaving the world and a history-maker in act of making history.
Remember the important part of me is not my body or my identity, but the unborn and undying consciousness within me. The one who is aware of my mind and body. That can’t be harmed. Not by slander, not by bullet’s, and not by death. And from that Perspective all the problems seem like opportunities for my incarnation to solve a puzzle and become wiser, better, and stronger for it.
The greater part deals with intangibles of right motivation and right use. No human being who is moved to action through the wrong motivations, or misuses the privileges of his times, can be regarded as educated regardless of the amount of formal schooling he has received. The human mind is established knowledge not alone by the reading of books or the study of Art and sciences but by the examples set up by leaders and the personal experiences of living. According to the Baconian system, there are three sources of learning.
The first is tradition, which may be derived from books. The second is observation, by which we learn from the actions of each other. And the third is by experimentation, which is a study of causes and consequences brought about by personal conduct.
Religion is the spiritual part of learning, philosophy the mental part, and the sciences, including the Arts and crafts, the physical part. As man himself has a spiritual, mental, and physical nature, and all of these nature’s manifest in his daily living, he must become equally informed in all the parts of his nature if he is to be self governing.
“Unbalanced forces perish in the void”, declared a prophet of old; and this is true beyond possibility of dispute. The platonic Commonwealth had as its true foundation that unity of learning. In the midst of the philosophic Empire stands the school of the three-fold truth. Religion is the quest of truth by means of the Mystical powers latent in the consciousness of man. Philosophy is the quest for truth by the extension of the intellectual powers towards the substance of reality. Science is the quest for truth by the study of the anatomy and the physiology of the body of truth, as it is revealed in the material creation. These three, then, are the orders of the quest. Together they can bring about the perfection of man through the discovery of the plan for man. One of the greatest secrets of antiquity was this realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the quest in all the branches of learning. The great philosophers of the past were truly great because they approach the problem of life as priest-philosopher-scientist.
“Never will these dreamers cease their silent working until that dream is perfected in our daily life”.
wisdoms, audio, visual, exchange
Many physicists like the brilliant Bernard Carr, have suggested that a final unified theory of physics will include a description of consciousness. Right now physics and by extension biology are not able to account for the phenomenon of awareness within material systems, however a theory that sees all things as connected via a unified field may be able to describe how awareness is a part of the cyclical flow of information across the universal Network of spacetime and how via universal awareness events cohere into a temporal experience by conscious being tracing worldlines through spacetime, themselves comprised of those spacetime worldlines, which we can then refer to as space memory, and hence the fabric of consciousness, this field like nature of consciousness, at the very foundation of the physical world in the quantum vacuum structure, the spacetime quantum vacuum structure, the spacetime quantum information network, where the brain is a receiver and filter of universal awareness as much as it is a generator of experience, can enable a scientific understanding of many types of experiences that would conventionally be referred to as spiritual or metaphysical.
Double method
Contemplate, concentrate. circular course of the light. the circular course is fixation. the light is contemplation. fixation without contemplation is circulation without light. Contemplation without fixation is light without circulation.
“The person who is in tune with the universe becomes like a radio receiver, through which the voice of the universe is transmitted”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan~
“See beyond the surface of others,for in the depth of understanding, you find the threads that weave us all into the fabric of existence”
Biodecoding is one of the disciplines of the new humanity, in the area simple and profound knowledge will be provided so that each one can learn to read the message that is transmitted through a code. That is to say that from unity everything is interconnected, physical, emotional, and spiritually. Remember that Everything that Manifest on the outside expresses a code, information resonant to your internal and external vibratory field. What is inherited and/or what is learned emits information that must be Decoded to realize what is not yet visible and at the moment when it is illuminated, that is it becomes visible by expanding your consciousness, and internal State of calm, tranquility and harmony is generated.