Matías De Stefano Comments 111 comments
YO: Conversando sobre hipocresía, una de las cosas que los humanos más suelen ocultar tras una sonrisa es el enojo, la incomodidad, el enfado. A mí mismo me pasa, que cuando me siento iracundo, lo último que hago es mostrarlo. No me considero una persona con mucha rabia que expresar, pues soy más de tendencia depresiva que irascible. Sin embargo, los momentos de enfado suelen taparse, ocultarse tras una máscara… ¿Por qué hacemos eso?
SOY: Para no parecer psicópatas. Es un consenso social. Una de las claves de vivir en sociedad es respetar las normas, las leyes establecidas para la convivencia. Si todos se comportasen como niños que sin analizar sus consecuencias expresan en cada instante lo que sienten, con berrinches, excitación, rabietas, imagínate cómo sería esa sociedad.
YO: Bueno… Como ahora pero sin tanta mediocridad. Jajaja…
SOY: Jaja, es verdad. Sin embargo eso sucede porque las personas no son educadas como individuos sino enseñadas como agentes sociales.
YO: Entiendo…
SOY: La Psicopatía proviene del término griego “Enfermedad del Alma” (psijé y pathía). El Alma es la energía del cuerpo, y enfermedad es la detención o irrupción del flujo de esa energía. Así un psicópata es alguien que no puede interactuar correctamente con la energía de los demás, sino que explota constantemente. El enfado, la rabieta, son explosiones energéticas, que necesitan regulación. Para vivir en una comunidad, la energía debe encontrarse en cierto equilibrio para que haya una buena interconectividad entre los individuos. Por ello, se crearon leyes que castigan los comportamientos erráticos y virulentos, lo imprevisible, que puede dañar el orden público. Esto da seguridad al grupo, al clan, la manada, el pueblo. Por ello, la cultura y la educación social, las formas, tratan de ocultar esas bajas pasiones, para que no irrumpan creando caos, ni acaben por perjudicar al propio generador del mismo en forma de castigo. Por ello, las personas ocultan sus bajas emociones. Es por esto que, en el Imperio Romano, en el Imperio Árabe, el Imperio Chino, y en tantos otros que nacieron de estas ideologías, sus filosofías o religiones castigaron estos movimientos erráticos, dividiendo el cuerpo en dos, desde el plexo hacia abajo, como la zona impura que había que negar, y hacia arriba la zona pura que buscaba a Dios. Errático, viene de la palabra “error”, que da origen a la palabra “errante”, es decir, aquél que camina sin rumbo, sin eje ni destino, y cuya palabra en latín es conocida como “pecatus”, es decir, pecado, que proviene del indoeuropeo “ped” (pié) dando lugar “pecco”, que significa “tropezar”, es decir, caminar errático, sin mirar por donde voy, y por lo tanto, tropezar con los pies. En inglés “sinner” (pecador, pecado), su origen latino proviene de “sons – sontis”, que se refiere al que es culpable, o sea, el que dio un “golpe”, el que está “so” pena de la ley.
YO: “Errar es humano”… “Somos pecadores”… Es la forma en que aprendemos, mediante la prueba y el error.
SOY: Pero culturalmente el error es castigado, como una suerte de educación a la fuerza para una convivencia pacífica y armónica. Imagina. Colócate a ti mismo en el siglo III, hacia el año 300 d.C. Los Imperios crecen, Roma es tan grande que no le queda otra que dividir su poder en dos, Oriente y Occidente. Las provincias se extienden desde Persia hasta Portugal, desde Inglaterra hasta Libia. Muchas provincias, muchas culturas y lenguas, muchos dioses. Es complicado hacer que todos sigan las leyes, las normas romanas. Así, la Iglesia es una gran solución. Todos los errores, robos, asesinatos, todo lo que la ley romana solía castigar no daba a basto para controlar a una población tan diversa. La implementación del Cristianismo era la única solución. Quien impone la Ley ahora es Dios, no el César. Dios puede ver todo, más allá de la ley romana, y Dios castiga a todos aquellos que no cumplan sus 10 Mandamientos. Él sabe si estás pecando, pues lo ve todo con su Gran Ojo. Así, todo lo impuro y errático pasa a ser castigo. Se elimina la idea de la Reencarnación para asegurarse de que no hay segundas oportunidades, y que es ahora o nunca, es el Cielo o el Infierno, la peor cárcel de todas, pues no hay forma de escaparse.
YO: Claro… Es el mejor sistema de orden social, en un pueblo sin educación. El miedo a los propios deseos.
SOY: Los deseos son la mayor fuente de energía vital. El deseo, es el fuego de vida que nos lleva a despertar la voluntad de hacer, de lograr. La búsqueda del orden social, en lugar de educar a guiar ese fuego, dedicó todo su esfuerzo en apagarlo. Pero el fuego vital, que yace en los genitales, es como el Ave Fénix: cuando lo apagas y se hace cenizas, vuelve a encenderse, resurgiendo con mayor fuerza. Y cada vez que quieras eliminarlo, sólo lo haces más fuerte.
YO: Provocando un incendio…
SOY: Ira.
YO: ¿Qué es la Ira?
SOY: Ira proviene del término indoeuropeo “eis”, que significa “pasión”, haciendo referencia a un movimiento rápido y brusco, como el flamear irregular del fuego que desprende chispas. Para los antiguos, el fuego era sagrado, pues daba luz en las noches, cocinaba los alimentos, daba calor en invierno. Era lo divino hecho materia, algo que no podía poseerse en las manos, un espíritu libre capaz de dar vida o quitarla resumiéndolo todo a polvo. Por ello, el fuego era considerado Sagrado, volviéndose un sinónimo. Fuego proviene de la palabra griega “pirós”, como en pirotecnia o pirómano. Un Fuego Sagrado es una Pira, y un Fuego Incontrolable es un “Pirado” (palabra que en español alude a alguien loco que ha perdido el juicio). La pasión, el deseo, cuando se convierten en un arte sacral, en que la sexualidad y las emociones se utilizan como fundamentos de la química y la psicología, para interactuar con la creación, son un fuego eterno y sagrado que enciende al espíritu en la materia. Pero si ese fuego se apaga una y otra vez tratando de controlarlo, el mismo buscará la forma de escaparse, como una olla a presión, explotando por los lados, en un fuego irascible, es decir, que se mueve bruscamente. La palabra “eis” dio origen a la palabra griega “hierós”, que precisamente se refiere a esa cualidad del fuego, a lo Sagrado. “Hierós” dio origen a las palabras Jerarquía (´ierós-arjé: poder sagrado) y Jeroglífico (´ierós-glyfos: grabado sagrado).
YO: Acabas de convertir a la Ira en algo sagrado. Nos estás haciendo ver la luz en todas las sombras… Claramente.
SOY: Como debe ser. En inglés, Ira (Anger) proviene del Indoeuropeo “angh”, significando “comprimido, apretado, reprimido”. La ira es el fuego que has reprimido, es el poder que has ocultado o te han forzado a ocultar. La ira nace de la falta de poder, es decir, de la Impotencia. Los hombres son más propensos a la ira debido a la testosterona. La hormona masculina genera mucho fuego interior focalizado en un solo punto y un único objetivo: reproducirse. Necesita saciar ese deseo orgánico y, a diferencia de la hembra (que puede expandir sus hormonas y su fuego en muchas partes de su cuerpo a la vez y contenerla en su interior para la gestación), el macho necesita descargarla inmediatamente. Es una cuestión orgánica. Así, el fuego del macho es más brusco y veloz, más rápido, y se consume mucho más fácilmente. Por ello, es más incontrolable. Un hombre que aprende a dirigir este fuego es más propenso a la iluminación, pues la energía sexual en el hombre se regenera a cada instante, lo cual sostiene el foco en la Iluminación. Una mujer encuentra la Iluminación en la manifestación, en la expansión, en la vida de todo lo que le rodea, en el sentirse parte de la creación. Por ello la divinidad masculina está en el Sol, y la femenina está en las Aguas y la Tierra.
YO: Entonces la Ira es esa energía de poder creador que no es canalizada con armonía y amor, sino reprimida. La impotencia, la incapacidad de tomar el propio poder… Apaga el fuego sagrado, y le invita a explotar.
SOY: Piensa bien en este ejemplo. Cuando ves una injusticia en el mundo, como el hambre en los países pobres, o la corrupción, y te ves incapaz de hacer algo porque está fuera de tu alcance, sientes impotencia, pues no tienes el poder para ayudar, para hacer algo diferente que solucione el conflicto, y ante esa impotencia, sientes rabia, que desencadena en reacciones bruscas, en ira.
YO: El problema, pues, no es la Ira… y la misma no es sinónimo de Odio, sino sinónimo y producto de la Impotencia. Haber perdido el poder de manifestación, de decisión, de acción, de la sacralidad…
SOY: El chakra de la sexualidad, de la emoción, de la manifestación, los dos centros de poder que yacen en tus glándulas genitales y suprarrenales, están sostenidos por un hueso de la columna vertebral que llamáis “Sacro”. “Hierón Osteón”, o Hueso Grande, hizo que el adjetivo “grande” y “sagrado” se combinasen para que los traductores acabasen por reconocer la sacralidad del punto donde la energía vital es creada. (“Hierón” significa indiferentemente tanto sagrado como grande).
YO: Entonces, el uso de esta parte del cuerpo es fundamental. La Ira, pues, es el Ave Fénix que intenta liberarse de la jaula en que la moralidad le ha encerrado. Para que la serpiente emplumada se eleve, debe encontrar suavidad, fluidez, respeto, manifestación. Tenemos miedo a nuestras bajas pasiones porque desde hace milenios se nos ha querido controlar a partir de ellas. Se nos ha prohibido hablar de las partes bajas, denigrándolas, negándolas. Desconectándonos de su poder creador. Por ello, cuando se nos dice que hay que dejar fluir nuestra energía inferior, se suele pensar en libertinaje, como si nada importase. Nos han enseñado que es malo, y hablar de ello hace parecer que lo único que buscamos es el descontrol.
SOY: Cuando la verdad es que lo que se intenta es permitir que justamente recuperemos nuestro propio control. No puedes encerrar al fuego en una caja, porque se ahogará, matando la fuerza de tu espíritu. Pero puedes cuidar y regular el fuego alimentándolo con leña, cuidándolo en un altar u hoguera, para que con amor, respeto y contemplación, el mismo, por descuido, no acabe quemando la casa, el bosque, y todos los pueblos a su alrededor.
YO: Debemos aprender a nutrir el fuego, no darle la libertad de quemar el bosque, sino darle la posibilidad de ser esa luz que nutre, ilumina, calienta, forja las herramientas, alimenta…
SOY: Así que, la próxima vez que sientas rabia e ira pregúntate: ¿en qué eres impotente? Descubre la falla, descubre dónde no puedes actuar y te sientes atado de pies y manos. Y no aplaques la ira, no la reprimas ni la trates de ocultar o eliminar por no ser “espiritual” o “equilibrado”, sino que por el contrario, busca en ella las migajas que te llevarán al origen de la misma, a la Pira donde se encuentra tu falta de poder. Y, desde allí, busca las maneras de poner manos a la obra. Paso a paso, con cuidado, con respeto, transformarás la ira en creación. Pues el Universo nació de una Gran Explosión, y el Cosmos surgió de ese fuego forjando la vida que contempla las estrellas con fascinación.
YO: Yo Deseo… Pues yo soy creador. Yo Soy Fuego y Vida en Acción.
111 thoughts on “Ira”
Qué maravilla leer los post de cada día! gracias infinitas
Simplemente maravilloso !!! Cada día aprendo más ..
muchas gracias Matías por dedicar tu tiempo a esto !!
Jaja me hizo acordar a la peli del castillo del vagabundo…no se porqué…
Hola Mati.
Aún traigo la duda que me surgió ayer En qué idioma habló el maestro que canalizarse? Y bueno, espero hoy nos puedas compartir la traducción.
P. D. Hoy si sentí miedo en mis sueños, aunque no me parecieron ser pesadillas. Seguiré anotando.
Gracias. Ten excelente noche 🤗😘
hola Matias…
a mi tmb me Gustaría saber lo que nos dijo el Maestro de ayer.
Que bonito yo soy fuego y vida en acción🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🏵️🌺🌸❤️🌷
Bello escrito, gracias Matias
En resumen, ¡soy terrible de hipócrita! Me vienen recuerdos de cuando uno recién conoce gente, de esa necesidad de agradar siempre, de no atreverse a decir “no quiero, gracias”, o “sí, por favor, me encantaría”…
Escorpión… me tiene loca.
¡Tantísimas gracias Matías! ¡Gracias red!
No sé por qué se me repitió el mensaje de ayer…
If anyone everwanted an example of revelation, I will provide it to you: The last few days havebeen the most unusual of my entire life. My son, Josh has always been special,but this year he started talking about things way beyond my understanding. Hebegan to have me start looking stuff up. Josh has cerebral palsy. He is completelydependent for care. He talks short and meaningful sentences, but lately he hasbeen using those short and meaningful sentences to teach. I thought that hewanted to learn at first, but I realized that he already knows about them. Hewill tell me if what I read is not right. He has been trying to educate me, but I have had to read a lot just to understand the things he hasme look up. We do not watch TV.Josh watches the same children’s programs that he has watched his whole life:Blue’s Clues, Miss Spider, Toot and Puddle, Wonder Pets, Lazy Town and a fewothers. That is it. He listens to the radio, but if he does not have it he cantell you what is on it. After severalmonths, I had all these disjointed pieces and almost no one I knew had anyinput on how all the pieces fit together.One day, I got analert from Facebook telling me that I had been tagged in something. I lookedand there was a trailer for the Gaia program Initiation with Matias De Stefano. Within minutes, mymouth inadvertently fell open. My hand, of its own free will clapped over mymouth and my heart filled with excitement. So much of what Josh had been havingme looking for seemed to be there! I could not wait to tell him.I got a trial Gaiasubscription just to see the program. When I showed Josh a little of it he wasvery excited and nervous. There were areas that were complicated. I left offwatching. Some time passed.In it, Josh began to have me research even higher stuff, but my understandingwas limited. He started to become frustrated with me. I was having a hard timebalancing the relationships outside our household and also learn all of what hewas having me to learn. We turned inward. Josh started talking about moving, gettingan RV. To understand howstrange this is, you must understand that Josh has not wanted to leave thehouse for over a year. Josh loves the outdoors. He loves the birds. He loves toput his hand out the window as he drives around on a sunny day. He loves toswim. All of a sudden, he would not go. He made himself difficult to lift. Hegained a lot of weight. His already small world got smaller.One beautiful day,I risked his non-compliance and picked him up and brought him outside onto theporch. The sun was that golden light that I know that he loves so much. The airwas sweet. But he was not happy. His face was storm cloud. Nathan walked up andsaid: He wants to go back inside. I told him that aperson could be depressed and not know it. He needed to feel the sun! Nathanasked Josh if he wanted to go inside and he said: Go inside, so Nathan took him.I am both wrong and right with Josh sometimes. I feel his longing, but not hiswill over it.I found an RV, butit needs a lot of work. We started working on it, but our approach is still tooslow for what Josh wants. He wanted to be gone by Sukkot. Sukkot requires youto go away from the city for seven days. Anywhere that we needed to be in thecountry for seven days, better be our home. Sukkot ended on the 9thof October, but because I was also researching the Leonid meteor shower whichhas its peak on the 21 of October I screwed up the dates. I set everything forOctober 21, and therefore missed a ton of opportunities. The timing was off. Josh was having melearn about frequency and everything I was reading in the Bible colored it: theShofar blast, living water…I was also learningabout meridians and tropics, Ancient Egypt. All of a sudden an alert fromMatias’ Yo Soy Facebook page popped up on my phone as an alert. He was doing analignment in the pyramids of Egypt that people could attend. Josh said hewanted to go. I wrote and asked if they couldaccommodate someone in a wheelchair. I didn’t expect them to write back, butthey did. They were super nice, but the list was full. Life went on.All this deviationfrom normalcy caused me to realize that Josh and I communicate in a unique way.He can do it with those closest to him, but it is special for us.There are otherthings in between that I will eventually get to, but not in this place. By a strange series of events I ended up on the Yo Soy videos on YouTube whereMatias does a live chat. Josh wanted to talk to him, so I tried something wehave never tried before: I put the TV on the YouTube chat and whenever Josh respondedto what Matias said, I would type it. Matias speaks inboth English and Spanish. He says these very high things first in one language,then the other, very patiently. After a while, I realized that Josh waslaughing and responding to Matias’ Spanish explanations along with the English.I wrote what Iobserved of that, and so Matias responded by speaking in Spanish for muchlonger. Josh was using another way to obscure what was said. He knew I wouldtell Matias whatever he did.Josh laughedabout several things. I could onlyunderstand a few words, and for much of the English translation Josh kept me sobusy that I could not hear anything Matias was saying. He had me looking for asong on his tablet, listening for what he said, and typing the chat. Because ofthat, Matias’ voice was just background noise. I couldn’t concentrate on anyonebut Josh. Other times, hecreated uncommon tasks to provide time alone to listen or let Matias talk. Heasked me to make him some hot cocoa. We have just stopped using the microwave,so I have to boil the milk on the stove and it takes longer. Josh is not usuallydemanding in this way. It is uncommon. He only “plays”when he has a reason. Josh is always concentrating on more than one thing. He can and does listen to music on headphones, watch his programs, play a keyboard and whip a flat strap against his palm, all while running circles if he so choose. Usually, he just helps me to try to fit all the responsibilities in. He tells me something if something is missing, and gives me an opportunity to figure it out. Sometimes I don’t. Often, I don’t. He tolerates my inconsistency because of my willingness, but I know when I didn’t achieve what I am supposed to because the timing for the day is off and because he says things like: see you tomorrow, Blue.At any given timethere are 3k+ people speaking on these chats from all over the world. Josh andMatias were communicating with each other through this sea. After a while,Josh sent me away to listen in another room, and Matias immediately went into astate that he was able to connect with Josh. I knew that it was an actualconnection because of the games that were played. Josh has layers to themeanings of things. Every song, every program, has at least 2 meanings usuallymore. He told Matias that his name was Pedro. Josh is 23. He can talk and he doesn’t abide anythinglong that he doesn’t want to. He thought Pedro was funny he chuckled about itlater.Pedro in Spanish isPeter. Peter is Peter Pan: the boy that never grew up. This is his sometimescomplex humor. Josh laughs at his pain. Anyway, the lastfour videos: day 103, 104, 105, 106 Josh connected with Matias. I think that heonly let Matias connect for the first 3 because he was upset with the timing. Iwill try to do better today. He wants to tryagain. I am going to try to do another video of him watching and how heresponds, but it has been difficult to manage that, typing what he says in atimely fashion, and keeping my energy steady. Yesterday, I was unprepared. I didn’t post thelink on Facebook beforehand, which is what he wanted when he said he wantedeveryone to watch. I texted people thinking that his request extended only to thepeople he knew, but he meant all. I was supposed to explain THIS explanationthat I am doing now, then-except it was supposed to be an introduction. Hewanted me to introduce him. So, I will have to do a proper introduction later.Now that I know that Matias is legitimate. I am less nervous to provide details. My mother who he loves dearly did not get his jokeand thought Peter Pan was derogatory. She is special too, but doesn’t quiteaccept it. She had a brain injury when she was 6, died, and was revived. Sheremembers her death experience and it involved space, so space scares her. She doesn’twant to believe that Josh can connect with Matias, even though she knows thathe can connect with us. Her connection with him is less conscious. When Iwas trying to set up for yesterday, my electronics would not function properly.The batteries on everything kept dying. Once I realized what Josh wanted, askedthe proper questions, fulfilled the requests, and sat down everything began towork again. I hope that I can do bettertoday. Thank you for your patience.
Wow Tia, I could not stop reading your comment. I could also not stop thinking about some of my autistic students that had the ability to tune into my thought vibrations and my consequent research on this leading me to a woman who has a grown autistic (nonverbal) daughter who communicates with her via writing on a computer. I truly believe that children that were born with a unique life path (like cerebral palsy, autism etc.) carry amazing gifts that can be utilized for the benefit of humanity if they have a parent or close person that is able to communicate for them.
When I contacted the woman with the autistic daughter I asked for help to better help my students. I asked if certain things that I felt could possibly correct. At one point she asked me if I was a HSP (highly sensitive person) which I was diagnosed with when I was a child. She told me that her daughter said that HSPs are mediators for them, helping them to connect with others. When I was around autistic children/grown-ups I always felt that they have a higher consciousness, like they operate from a higher dimensional awareness.
Thank you for sharing your experience with Josh. Thank you for being aware and nourishing your son’s unique ability.
i love this story we are all connected weaving the network,hope to connect with Josh later
Wow Tia !!! amazing! You are a Great Mother!
Amazing Tía!!!! Tu comentario me dejó así :O
Wow Tia!!! This is beyond words!!! I will be supporting your facebook link and also in Youtube in every way I can!! And my respects to Josh…He is amazing..!!
Do share your facebook link.!! Am super excited and feeling so happy on reading your comment (don’t know why)!! But I’m all in..!!!
Tía thanks for sharing this. The connection is amazing, I hope you and your son can explore it deeply together.
Love and light 🙏🏼
He tenido sueños raros, es todo muy confuso. A mitad de la noche me despierto para anotarlos y los olvido casi inmediatamente, y las cosas que he recordado solo me han servido como ideas para crear cuentos.
Gracias Matías nuevamente, por dejarnos acompañarte en tu camino y gracias a la red que conformamos cada día en las alineaciones por el planeta.
¡Tienes una paciencia inigualable con todos nosotros 🙄!
Hola Matias buen dia Red,
Yeiiiiii claro !! Al rededor de los 25 con mi pereja si nos enojabamos y claro por sentirnos impotentes el sexo reconciliador era glorioso ya que ademas de hacernos felices en verdad nos solucionaba el conflicto con alguna idea. Crear. Hoy tengo en casa un costal de box que tambien funciona como catalizador. No solo de ira…
Abrazos de mi alma a la suya.😁💎🏡💓
Yo Deseo… pues yo soy creador. Yo Soy Fuego y Vida en Acción.
Bellísimo post!! Particularmente la ira me habita muy fuertemente y con la claridad que hoy lo han tratado me hace dar cuenta que a pesar de que creía que no sabía controlarla fue todo lo contrario, gracias a ella hoy vivo en paz, he logrado avanzar con pasos certeros, aunque para la sociedad soy una antisistema o anti reglas por no seguirlos, porque elegí ser madre responsable y me dedico a ellas ante todo para brindarle la educación que considero necesaria para que crezcan conscientes y no es fácil rodeada de la ceguera colectiva, pero me siento realizada y hoy haciendo éste camino con todos ustedes creciendo a pasos agigantados con el aprendizaje diario me hace muy F Feliz!
Tengo en claro cada paso, nada me corre, pues soy la creadora de mi propio camino.
Gracias Gracias Gracias
Los abrazo con el Alma Maravillosa Red YosoY
justito a tiempo! gracias infinitas, te amo!
Is there any way to remove the comment that I just made? The one I need to post has information taken out.
No puedo parar de leer tus posts, cada día uno es mejor que el anterior. Ya no se cómo expresar mi agradecimiento hacia ti querido Matías, y hacia toda la red que cada día crece más…
Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de aprender y comprender a cerca de estas emociones. Grandes temas
Muy movidas las emociones esta semana
Gracias YOSOY por educarnos
Nada que decir, solo gracias 😘 pues hoy por fin entendí porque de niña me mantenía de malas y era por que por mas que intente advertirle a mamá que papá se iría y nos dejaría ella nunca me creyó y cuando pasó me culpo, era mi impotencia por no haber podido evitar algo que estaba más que escrito.
Gracias Matías por ser luz en nuestro camino.
He also wants you to listen to this.
Breath taken! what a gorgeous video. Thanks for sharing your story. I am so happy to be part of the Net
Quero agradecer de ❤ por tua dedicação, como vc disse ” serviço”, por estar reestruturando o meu restrito conhecimento e relativizando muita coisa em vários planos na minha vida e dentro de mim.
Sei que talvez não lerás meu comentário no meio de tantos outros, mas tanto faz, não faz mal.
Só queria agradecer ao BEM que vc faz por todos nós.
Não sei oque aconteceu pois contém erros de escrita e gramática que nao fiz😉😅😉
Há sempre mais quem leia os comentários, por uma razão ou por outra. O mais importante não é quem lê mas quem se expressa, soltar, participar, rejubilar. Sentir dentro de si a elevação, a expansão de dentro que quer chegar a fora. Obrigado pela partilha. Uma alegria que seja em rede, não é uma insignificância, é o todo que chega a todo o lado. Quem venham mais descobertas, sorrisos e partilhas. Abraço.
Por califer? Ajajajaj
Being intensely passionate and fiery by nature, I had to learn to harness the energy of anger and transmute it for I used to have a temper when I was younger. Now I see anger triggers as an alert, as a way to activate more awareness and embodiment, a notification, an invitation to explore as to where I am allowing myself to be limited, is it how I am seeing myself? Is it a belief holding me in this experience? How can I use this energy to create what I want to experience? How can I expand into embodying more of my higher, unlimited self? How can I bring more awareness, more love, more connection and understanding in this situation if I feel misunderstood or if others are distorting or projecting around something I’m sharing and its triggering impatience or frustration in me.
Anger invariably is often a defence mechanism to protect us from being hurt, so I look at what emotions are lying deeper below the anger, often fear or sadness, feeling like we can’t live what we most deeply want to. Anger shows us also where your boundaries are being violated or compromised, so we can reclaim our energy, gain clarity and insight into what’s truly important and this frees us to be more loving once we are able to understand the dynamic more clearly.
When I work on this deeply in my Quantum coaching sessions I always respond to triggers that are shared by my clients in their sharing their stories and any struggles with excitement and like we just got a key to unlock a whole new level of magic. Because they are gold. When we explore them with a multidimensional perspective and lens it opens up so much expansion and possibility; emotions are pure energy, we can use them as catalysts creatively in any way we choose, we are only limited by our vision and belief.
Once we choose to consciously evolve the way we see ourselves and how we believe in ourselves, and specifically, what we believe is possible in our life and world, this is when the world and humanity so beautifully evolves.
May we all have fun with our angers, our frustrations, hurts and fears in a playful way, because we know and believe that we are unlimited, that we are the embodiment of the I am and ever evolving and we can use these energies as our creative fire and fuel to transform ourselves and our world!
Infinite gratitude
My deepest love
💞 👁 🌍 🍦 😍
I don’t know if that I am writing now is linked to the topic of today…
Anyway, the Master you have channeled yesterday, Thoth or his energy, brought to my mind some vivid pictures about one of my past lives in Atlantis or perhaps in Egypt, I don’t know precisley.
I was a kind of bishop-scientist committed to get out from particular crystals, already containing the proper informations, some animal species, maybe felines or something similar. It’s an ancient alchemical practise: to create organical life through inorganical one (usually through crystals, cause their geometrical molecular structure). Once create the first couple of living prototypes, we realeased them into the wild, leaving the environment would provided to further evolution.
Well, I was male at that time, married with a wonderful woman that I loved so much. Therefore, we often argued cause she reproached me to spend too much time in the laboratory-temple, neglecting her and our children. We alterned moments of deep love and passion with moments of rage, especially from my part, I have to admit…
After this lifetime my soul realized how the rage can be stimulated by an unbalance of love, or better… saying in other words, love is a big force but it involves responsabilities, devotion, patience and especially time to give to others who have chosen to share their life with us.
Fortunately, I have learnt the lesson thanks to mistakes done with that woman who loved me so long time ago.
I loved too my wife of this far period, and yet now, in some way, I can feel this deep sentiment if I focus on the past.
I think sometimes good feelings can transform in rage, when we are disappointed from others or we feel touched in our needs, as freedom for example.
Returning to Thoth…really he was…actually is…a great Master, and I’m glad yesterday I had the possibility to hear his voice again.
Thanks for that.
Golden Mother
La irá me saco de un pozo, se mueve en espiral y le tengo mucho respeto y cariño por eso…como le hacían tantas acciones en pro de aniquilarle. Incluyendo las escondió en mi corazón…y cuando aprendes a convertirte en fuego no para apagar la fuerza de un incendio (de los que ha habido muchos por cierto)..dijo: no me extingas…y otras palabras más en las puertas del tiempo….
no hay palabras de agradecimiento con las que pueda expresarme. tremendo profesor matias, te pasas!!!!
mil cariños y gracias !
♥️♥️♥️🌷🌷🌷Yo Deseo… pues yo soy creador. Yo Soy Fuego y Vida en Acción…
Comprendo mi ira… Después de 1 año sin liberar a Willy… Jajajjaj
Y al fin llego el post que tanto esperé!
Que dificil es re educar y reconocer que nuestro cuerpo y energia fue sometido por tantos juicios y conceptos falsos.
Cuanto cuestan las relaciones con los otros por ser los “pirados”.
El baile del tango me ayudo mucho para resolver la ira, encontre la direccion de mi fuego con eso y con el yoga.
No dependo de la energia de otros y tampoco quiero compartirla si el otro me desvalancea. ¿Como explicar a otros para que nos entiendan si no nos tenemos la suficiente confianza que vamos a ser segregados? Y ahi viene la Hipocresia de nuevo me guardo todo lo que callo junto ira, vivo una vida que no es la que me gustaria vivir solo por el hecho de no ser quien soy.
Gracias Matias por darme seguridad y hacer que tomemos accion en este camino de coherencia. 🌈🔥🔥🔥
Agradecida de leer contigo Matias, y este en particular pues no solo somos iracundos, sino que en verdad aún tenemos puesta esa máscara de la hipocresía encima, Tenemos en casa una personita aún muy alta as en esta manifestación de la ira, pero has dado a nuestro camino esa luz de fuego y forma de poder cuidarlo. De todo corazón agradezco. Sagrado caminar, Matías.
I don’t consider myself an angry person, but there was a time when I used to frequently blow up and I never understood why. Thank you Matias you solved that puzzle for me. I felt indeed powerless at a few things. One thing that I also noticed is that I never was angry in the 30 years when I lived in Europe. But after I lived in the United States for a while these anger spouts started to pop up. I would suppress my frustration until I was at home where my patient husband had to listen to me.
I was aware what made me angry, but not why.
The first time I got mad was when I saw the amount of highly toxic chemicals people had in their homes for cleaning their homes, as well as the tendency to eat and drink out of plastic cups/plates etc. when almost everyone in the family has cancer. The toxins/ the plastic / the pollution from creating and using has made our Planet sick, and as a result humanity.
I got mad at the consumption insanity, the unbalanced model of schooling, the amount of waste created.
I got mad when I saw parents/school cafeteria feeding children harmful food, food that is high in sugar, flour, food colorings, preservatives etc., food that is heated in microwaves which destroys the molecular structure of food.
I got mad that the water is highly chlorinated and spiked with fluoride – both neurotoxins.
I got mad because I was told “If you have nothing nice to say, it’s better not to say anything.”
It was normal live in the U.S. but for me it was culture shock having grown up in a remote little village in the mountains. Not even the 6 years I lived in London felt that different.
Of course today, 25 years later Europe caught up with these practices. It became the norm in the West because the family unit is slowly being destroyed and the stressful lives demanded things fast and immortal (that is what I call food that can be located in the center of any supermarket.)
I felt powerless watching unconsciousness!
Today I have calmed down and it is very rare that I get angry. Perhaps because I have learned to distract myself, or perhaps because I channel it into my drawings. Perhaps because I now focus on what I want and not what I don’t want. I feel now that things are shifting in a more conscious direction in many categories that Matias is so masterfully guiding us to understand and deepen in awareness.
This year of self discovery and alignment is gradually taking away this feeling of powerlessness.
Thanks Mati! One cannot put a price ticket on the service you provide daily.
I got also exited, like Rituparna, when I red this. It’s so wonderful to have this kind of confirmations, If you know what I mean. I’m not highly sensitive person, or sensitive at all, so I don’t feel any this kind of things 🙂
Referring to SISU:s comment, there is a great book by Swedish Iris Johansson, she tells about her childhood as an autistic child, and her experiences confirm all that SISU pondered in his comment about autistic persons abilities. I’m not sure if that book has been translated to english, it can be red in swedish or finnish :). In swedish the name is something as “Different life that I know”
Gracias infinitas,por tan importante información, la ira es causa de tantos desequilibrios en este plano, enfin Gracias gracias gracias 🙏❤️
Espero que pronto se comprenda en forma masiva que esa energía creadora debe cultivarse y cuidarse en uno y con un compañero en resonancia, para que podamos manifestar en paz y armonía un nuevo mundo.
This, I hope so, too!!!
Hen ath matty y ghan 😊
Cuesta un poco permitirse sentir la ira con tanta condición social, porque cuando estas enojado por algo, alguien siempre te dice “esa no es la actitud correcta” y acabas bloqueando ese sentimiento y asi acabas provocando un bloqueo emocional grave que sino lo tratas, puede que cuando quieras hacer algo importante, tu alma no lo pueda hacer porque se bloqueó. Piensa que el chakra raiz es la creación y todas las acciones, pensamientos y sentimientos deben pasar primero por la creación para poder ser experimentadas jejje 💖
He said he’s uncomfortable talking unless the first post is taken off it includes his grandmother.
And Please
This was precisely my “hypocrisy” in the meditation. I am by nature mellow and excepting, seeing the good or “big picture” in things until I am pushed or confronted by injustice, then my temper can flare-up. An astrologer friend recently told me it was right there in my chart, Neptune in Scorpio, she describes me as “the fist wearing a velvet glove” and “watch out”! The rest of my chart is “all” Aquarius, and I am the one with my “head in the clouds”. So here lies my dichotomy… and my lesson in this life. I am to practice properly channeling my emotions. I have repeated this pattern many times, and each time the pressure is amplified pushing me to find the balance. I find spiritual peace, then I am confronted, and unfortunately sometimes I give in and explode. It would be all too easy to run away and live a solitary life in contemplation, but we don’t learn anything by hiding. I am aware of my faults and frequently remind myself that each day is another opportunity to start anew.
i cannot wait to hear what the Grand master THOT had to say last night, i love THOT aka HERMES.
Inside I every day send you warm and deep thanks for the best and most important gift ever. Words can not express how grateful I am and it is difficult to understand how you manage to do this every day for a whole year. As a former teacher I wish that what you teach could be our future curriculum; what a wondeful dream and I feel that in one way or another it must come true some day. It looks like the picture today is from «my» country(Norway – Hafrsfjord).
Love and connection to everyone!
Alone(all one) we are all together always & in all ways
Bueno voy a dejar aflorar mi ira, aunque creo que no te hace explotar, pero. aca va…… sin proyecciones o si?
Por que?, no reis y te soltas?, es decir, te reprimis.
Por que?, casi siempre hablas de orgasmos yde sexuaidad? , la otra vez, dijiste que eran , bajas emociones, Por?, esta genial, ayuda al KUNDALINI, tengamos todos orgasmos.
Por que?, no haces devoluciones de lo que las personas, toman de su tiempo en comentarte?,
Por que?, que das las charlas , si a veces se te nota en la cara, que no queres.
Te reprimis, tus ganas de mandarnos a la mierda y lo haces igual con cara de cu….y se siente. yo te veo la cara , apenas comienza el video y ya se como estas?.
Por que?, no hablas del Amor, del Universo, de los seres que hay del idioma de ellos y no tanta pedagogia, socialismo e historia?. Bueno por que , por algo debe ser no queres yo que se.
Son dudas que me surgen y como veo que todo el mundo no se anima a ir de frente con vos y yo soy muy frontal, buena ariana, voy de frente.-
Por que?, todos tus temas son muy materiales, para decirlo de cierta forma.
Ayer una Sra te comento que la hipnotizas, por ser guapo, que sos lindo y yo que se……….y yo le respondi, si lo es, pero que iba a reprobar, sino prestaba atencion, a lo que enseñas, se enojo, eso es ira, le hable bien , le pedi disculpas e igual no le dije nada malo.
Si sos lindo y que?????, vos sabes que sos lindo, igual el estereotipo de lindo , depende de cada vision. estamos aca para aprender, entonces sus bajos instintos, sonaron como a que la Sra , te veia, no como Profe, y esta bien, si le gustas es un halago, vos mismo te gustas y lo sabes, pero no coincido, que si uno reprime , sus masssss bajos instintos, va a exploar en ira, o comprendi mal el POST?.
Sos serio, te haces el serio, te gusta, que te adulen, que te mimen y tener ORGASMOS, jaaa, MATT, sos genial y un Ser extraño .
A mi tambien me pareces lindo, por que entras justo en mi tipo, castaños de ojos verdes profundos, como mi ex, y el resto sos mi otro ex, pero proyecto en vos a mi ex, sus ojos iguales y mi otro ex, todo tu ser, un gran cientifico, que estudio genetica, neurobiologia, Y TERMINO VIAJANDO POR EL MUNDO, HABLANDO DE LOS ANGELES es conocido, salio como el joven cientifico de Argentina, historia pasada, problema se quedo del otro lado es Gay y me mato, no por que no lo acepte no me importa, tendria sexo igual con alguien bisexual, sino que nuestro amor fue inmenso, , OBVIO QUE SIEMPRE LE GUSTO EL UNIVERSO, ASI QUE PROYECTO EN VOS A ELLOS DOS Y me cuesta verte , x que los recuerdo.
Por que te conoci MATIAS.-
Ire a la Psicologa.
Lo peor de aca, que mi hermana se entera de todo lo que escribo, por que te sigue jaaaa.-
Hasta leugo Extraño Ser. Increible Ser, te acordas la cancion, mmmm sos mas chico que yo. no creo. Yo si te lo digo SIN MAS VUELTAS. Andrea
No me digas que si no te gusta lo que haces, vaya para otro lado, x que me gusta verte y te seguire hasta el ultimo video con cara de traste aveces. jaaa.
Please kindly look up this ladies, they can help you understand, by taking contact with your higher self as well as Johs. LINK Below. They can tell you purpose of your lifes. 🙏
I hope they can bring healing as well 🙏
There is a video how they helped a man who had schizofrenia for many years, & they helped him to be free of it. Quantum healing terapy is invented by late Dolores Cannon. Have a look at video & I certainley do hope that it resonates with you & Josh 🙏🙌💓💓💕💕 Please kindlyz if you wish, let us know how you are! Blessings to You!! 🙏💕💕 Helen
Thank you for your concern.
I just want to add that nothing is by mistake, I agreed to the hardships I have endured this lifetime, it was a choice I made. I set-up opportunities or “missions” as Matias likes to say, and my last spiritual teacher used to tell me “you put yourself through the school of hard knocks”. Yes, I did… that’s how we learn…
ufff otro que digerir me siento empacha ajajajaja.. eh tenido mas de 10 suenos por noches super raros no los analizo los anoto, pero cuando despierto me quedo pensando mientras los anoto anoche sin aun dormir sentia como que algo estaba debajo de mis sanabas undiendome a no se donde y dije no te tengo miedo y me solatron despues medite y hay si que me llevaron a suenos sin sentido para mi pues no los entiendo.. espero seguir encontando mi centro mi eje gracias matias por ser y estar por tu tiempo y espacio..
¿Cómo has de avanzar en el camino, si solo observas sin moverte?
¿Cómo esperas recibir la información? si no te atreves a buscar…
De nada sirve obtener un significado, si no trabajas en ti. De nada sirve escuchar y fascinarse con mensajes de maestros, si no comprendes que primero debes cultivarte a ti. No queremos que busquen a alguien a quien seguir, necesitamos que despierten y que trabajen sus habilidades.
Que deleite sentirse tan interpretada…
Estos Post son como una adicción. Uno sabe que en algún momento se empieza a sumergir en ese mundo narrativo.
Entendí tanto la secuencia… miedo, pánico, ira… impotencia…
Más ira?
Nop… hay un trabajo por hacer ( uno más) , paso a paso. … 🧗♂️, ya que somos parte de este mundo y no podemos bajarnos, cómo graciosamente, quería Mafalda.
Gracias Mati 🌷🌻
Leer esto me hizo recordar una película animada que vi resientemente y que amé. Ahora estoy leyendo los libros.
Se llama “El Castillo Ambulante”.
He says it’ll be okay.
What are some ways we could find the anger inside if we are dealing with passivity? How could you ignite that spark so it can be used for creation? Most likely find our passions, but are there practical ways to find that passion?
Thank You for Your input!!! I freaked out when red it 😲😲😲 feel more powerless, than angry!!! I am same as you! Very much knowing about, as citric accid, in all products as food as well as hygiene.😲 (made of black mold in faraway country).
* Soylechitin in chocolate, derivated with gasoline, containing traces there of… ***Grain is also full of chemicalls, but not good for our brain, since it can cause Alzheimer.. There is a book as well as info on the internet, called “Grain brain”. When i eat something containing grain, my joints are acheing… It cuses arthritis too, & people could skip unneseccery & painful surgery!!! But how many are listening!!?? People got angry… 😲 I use to say to them that “I do not want to have your health on my councesness”.. That is honesty from my side… Also sugar, that feeds cancer cells,.. Otto Warburg got Nobel prize back in ’40s for that discovery, but how many schools are mentioning that? 😲
Yes, I agree with You, I go NUTS when I see all this trendy jackets, that look like quilted garbage bags!!! Polyester & all other plastic stuff made our water poluted with nano plastic particals… Made of oil, refined, derivated, God knows where, transported around the globe with transports that use oil.. *** the highest levell of stupidity are those new teabags, made of synhetic!!! The higher temperature, the more plastic goes in ones body.. It freaks me out that we & Mother 🌎🌏🌍 are marinated in plastic!!!
We can try to saw some seeds by leaving comments on various media… Magazines, etc.. Please let me know your thoughts about all this! & & Yes, one can hit the cealing when they say “if you dont have anything nice to say, bla bla…” well, how nice it is to put lid on negative feelings, untill it is too much, & one ends up on shrink’s sofa 😲😲😲 it is not even nice to fellow man to keep quite about such seriouse things that affect our healt!” I also use to say, I do not wish anybody illness!!! & another good quote:” the only ones who will be rememberred are those who stand by & did nothing… ” 😢. Keep in touch, there must be some reason why we met 🙏💓💕 Love & peace to You, & all 🙏💓💕🌍🌏🌎 Helen, Europe, 🇸🇪
Dear Helen,
finally words that are easy for me to grasp. From the most annoying to “Hey, sis, there you are!” 😀 I could hardly believe it myself. What happened there? The first time I was able to hit the road (high five) – I looked at myself from the side 😀 How much you can make fun of yourself when you get lost, and once again have a plan of where you are standing in this huge dark forest, not to mention how and where the path is best… at the latest then you know for sure that you have gone too far. And even though I had already been told several times that I was “overshooting the mark”, the next time I only heard it again afterwards, I was ashamed. I’m not free of guilt, not free of shame (the least of all, – so I’ll take Bitch here as a compliment), but I also know exactly what I really care about. I am learning. And I assume – my whole life long. And what’s going on here….- well, so far I got an automatic “Unbelievable!” Do I really not believe it? For me it has not so much to do with faith as with experience. Do I think it is possible? Oh YES! That’s why I went into a Spock-like ” Fascinating” for me yesterday.
Do I already have a lot to say here? In a way, no, in a way you do. Trial and error, and then again it’s much more than just fascinating. But I also have a few words of my own to say about it. Back to you: THANKS! That I can learn from and through you, as well as through countless others here and our super-teacher(s). It’s a very big, wide world at the moment, – anything but accessible, but super exciting, and exactly what I dreamed of as a child and didn’t dare to dream any more. THANK YOU! For the empowerment. Anger makes me alive, gives me strength. That is what I see as valuable in it. Everything else is still being worked on diligently. 😛 THANK YOU, Helen! :*
Thankyou so much for this!!!
As a kid, I was raised in the harsh anger that came specially from my dad. Growing up although, I was constantly put into uncomfortable scenarios,everyday felt like I wasn’t enough because of it , my parents never realised what they’re really doing. Integrating it seems very heavy sometimes, but, step by step I’m understanding more of the why’s and how’s.
🙂 Much love.
Me gusto mucho como todos los posteos te hacen reflexionar sobre tantos aspectos que se asimilan de a poco. Ya que es tan practico y tan llevado a la accion se podria hablar de como hacer que ese fuego al no reprimirlo, tampoco sea llevado al libertinaje como las enseñanzas del tao. Y tambien al manejar la frustracion o el enojo, branco ante las cosas que indignan como se nombran de la pobreza la corrupcion pero no solo reprimir y verlo con esta mirada mas consciente si se puede hacer algo practico. GRACIAS por todo el aporte de tu ser
✨Estoy reconociendo qué mi vida es una es un fractal de lo que está sucediendo en el universo, En nuestro universo.✨
Mis sueños, vez tras vez, an sido sobre la pérdida de mi casa, la casa en que se construyó desde el suelo para arriba. Nunca fue terminada. Se fue construida pedacitos a pedacitos. Por una cosa a otra no se terminó en lo completo…
✨Todo esto que estás hablando en Gaia me está haciendo pensar más y más que mi vida es un fractal de éso mismo.✨
✨ Estoy viéndolo así todo lo que está sucediendo, todo lo de las dimensiones, estoy llegando entender lo que está sucediendo, y esto me está dando mucha rabia, mucha ira.🤨 A un punto qué siento que voy a explotar. Más no en una manera explosiva sexual! 👻 tampoco no no no no es otra cosa! Estoy tratando de entender porque quieren avanzar la rapidez de llegar a la novena demiencion? Pienso que tengo la respuesta de esto…
Ves tras ves, sueño de la perdida de mi casa… En el 2012 lo deje ir al banco, se lo entregue. Me salí el 14 de Febrero (ironía) el día de San Valentín aquí en USA. Sin rumbo, me fui con mi mamá. Y me quedé con ella por 6 meses con mi niño menor. Por reglas de la asociación, tuve que salirme…
Bueno, solo quise compartir esto contigo. Gracias por tu paciencia entremedio.
🤕 Tengo un dolor en un punto de mi cerebro que empezó ayer. Es un dolor que no avía sentido antes…🤨
Un sueño que estoy recordando, Una parte del sueño- Es un gatito peludo bonito, durmiendo con una conejita, también greñuda bonita. Los dos coriucandose juntos. Los dos son de color gris rojo… Los ví y dije, hay que lindos!; Fui por mi camara y cambio mi sueño…
Sabes que hay gris rojo, azul, amarillo…🐁😌🍃
Matías realmente te juro que me haces recordarme. Y con respecto a la ira es lo que he comprendido en este último tiempo. Eso de aguantar tanto y terminar explotando. Te quisiera decir qué te quiero mucho pero si es real o no espero saberlo en esta vida. Ahora estoy comentario únicamente para vos porque quiero decirte gracias. No puedo ser auténtico en un comentario. Irá a donde tenga que ir no?.👌
Me pregunto en qué momento los humanos perdimos el control de las bajas pasiones y nos tuvieron que implementar castigos e infundir miedo y la frase típica ” hay que tener temor de Dios” ,en que momento fue la única forma de que funcionaramos, en que momento dejamos de ser aptos para saber la verdad, en que momento la solución fue apagar el fuego en lugar de guiarlo. Y todo porque, en que momento fue más importante el tener que el ser.
The last few days have been the most unusual of my entire life. My son, Josh has always been special,but this year he started talking about things way beyond my understanding. He began having me look stuff up. Josh is amazing and beautiful. He also has cerebral palsy. He talks short and meaningful sentences, but lately he has been using those short and meaningful sentences to teach. I thought that he wanted to learn at first, but I realized that he already knows about what he has me search for. He will tell me if what I read is not right. He has been trying to educate me, but I have had to read a lot just to understand the things he has me look up. We do not watch TV. Josh watches the same children’s programs that he has watched his whole life:Blue’s Clues, Miss Spider, Toot and Puddle, Wonder Pets, Lazy Town and a few others. That is it. He listens to the radio, but if he does not have it he can tell you what is on it. After several months, I had all these disjointed pieces and almost no one I knew had any input on how all the pieces fit together.One day, I got an alert from Facebook telling me that I had been tagged in something. I looked and there was a trailer for the Gaia program Initiation with Matias De Stefano. Within minutes, my jaw inadvertently fell open. My hand, of its own free will clapped over my mouth and my heart filled with excitement. So much of what Josh had been having me look for seemed to be there! I could not wait to tell him.I got a trial Gaia subscription just to see the program. When I showed Josh a little of it he was very excited. There were areas that were complicated though. I left off watching. Some time passed.In it, Josh began to have me research even higher stuff, but my understanding was limited. He started to become frustrated with me. I was having a hard time balancing the relationships outside our household and also learn all of what he was having me to learn. We turned inward. Josh started talking about moving, getting an RV. To understand how strange this is, you must understand that Josh has not wanted to leave the house for over a year. He loves the outdoors. He loves the birds. He loves to put his hand out the window as he drives around on a sunny day. He loves to swim. All of a sudden, he would not go. He made himself difficult to lift. His already small world got smaller.One beautiful day,I risked his non-compliance and picked him up and brought him outside onto the porch. The sun was that golden light that I know that he loves so much. The air was sweet. But he was not happy. His face was storm cloud. Nathan walked up and said: He wants to go back inside. I told him that a person could be depressed and not know it. He needed to feel the sun! Nathan asked Josh if he wanted to go inside and he said: Go inside, so Nathan took him.I am both wrong and right with Josh sometimes. I feel his longing, but not his will over it.I found an RV, but it needs a lot of work. We started working on it, but our approach is still too slow for what Josh wants. He wanted to be gone by Sukkot. Sukkot requires you to go away from the city for seven days. Anywhere that we needed to be in the country for seven days, better be our home. Sukkot ended on the 9thof October, but because I was also researching the Leonid meteor shower which has its peak on the 21 of October I screwed up the dates. I set everything for October 21. I didn’t realize this until after Sukkot. Josh was having me learn about frequency and everything I was reading in the Bible colored it for me: the Shofar blast, living water…I was also learning about meridians and tropics, Ancient Egypt. All of a sudden an alert from Matias’ Yo Soy Facebook page popped up on my phone. He was doing an alignment in the pyramids of Egypt that people could attend. Josh said he wanted to go. I wrote and asked if they could accommodate someone in a wheelchair. I didn’t expect them to write back, but they did. They were super nice, but the list was full. Life went on.All this deviation from normalcy caused me to realize that Josh and I communicate in a unique way.He can do it with those closest to him, but it is different for us. By a strange series of events I ended up on the Yo Soy videos on YouTube where Matias does a live chat. Josh wanted to talk to him, so I tried something we have never tried before: I put the TV on the YouTube chat and whenever Josh responded to what Matias said, I would type it. Matias speaks in both English and Spanish. He says these very high things first in one language,then the other, very patiently. After a while, I realized that Josh was laughing and responding to Matias’ Spanish explanations along with the English.I wrote what I observed of that, and so Matias responded by speaking in Spanish for much longer. Josh was using another way to obscure what was said. He knew I would tell Matias whatever he did.Josh laughed about several things. I could only understand a few words, and for much of the English translation Josh kept me so busy that I could not hear anything Matias was saying. He had me looking for a song on his tablet, listening for what he said, and typing the chat. Because o fthat, Matias’ voice was just background noise. I couldn’t concentrate on anyone but Josh. Other times, he created uncommon tasks to provide time alone to listen or let Matias talk. He asked me to make him some hot cocoa. We have just stopped using the microwave,so I have to boil the milk on the stove and it takes longer. Josh is not usuallydemanding in this way. It is uncommon. He only “plays”when he has a reason. Josh is always concentrating on more than one thing. He can and does listen to music on headphones, watch his programs, play a keyboard and whip a flat strap against his palm, all while running mental circles if he so choose. Usually, he just helps me to try to fit all the responsibilities into each day. He tells me something if something is missing, and gives me an opportunity to figure it out. Sometimes I don’t. Often, I don’t. He tolerates my inconsistency because of my willingness, but I know when I don’t achieve what I am supposed to because the timing for the day is off and because he says things like: see you tomorrow, Blue. He dismisses me.At any given time there are 3k+ people speaking on these chats from all over the world. Josh and Matias were communicating with each other through this sea. After a while,Josh sent me away to listen in another room, and Matias went into a state that he was able to connect with Josh. I knew that it was an actual connection because of the games that were played. Josh has layers to the meanings of things. Every song, every program, has at least 2 meanings usually more. He has chromosythesia. He can see the color of tones. I don’t know what else. He told Matias that his name was Pedro. Josh is 23. He can talk and he doesn’t abide anything long that he doesn’t want to. He thought Pedro was funny he chuckled about it later.Pedro in Spanish is Peter. Peter is Peter Pan: the boy that never grew up. This is his sometimes complex humor. Josh laughs at his pain. Anyway, the last four videos: day 103, 104, 105, 106 Matias talked to Josh. I think that he only let Matias connect for the first 3 because he was upset with the timing. I will try to do better today.He wants to try again. I am going to try to do another video of him watching and how he responds, but it has been difficult to manage that, typing what he says in a timely fashion, and keeping my energy steady. Yesterday, I was unprepared. I didn’t post the link on Facebook beforehand, which is what he wanted when he said he wanted everyone to watch. I texted people thinking that his request extended only to certain people, but he meant all. I figured that out too late. I was supposed to explain THIS explanation that I am doing now, then-except it was supposed to be an introduction. He wanted me to introduce him. So, I will have to do a proper written introduction later.Now that I know that Matias has legitimate ability. I am less nervous to provide details.When I was trying to set up for yesterday, my electronics would not function properly.The batteries on everything kept dying. Once I realized what Josh wanted, asked the proper questions, fulfilled the requests, and sat down everything began to work again. I hope that I can do better today. Thank you for your patience.
Bellísimo!!! Gracias!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Flores en tu camino. Un abrazo con toda mi Alma.
Come on. Trade. This one is better. It is going to be great.
Magistral la aclaración sobre la ira. Soy fuego y por tanto sé muy bien de que habla Ghan. Muchísimas gracias por reinvindicar la ira. Gracias igualmente a ti, Matías.
Hola, qué temita la ira!
Cuando empecé a conectar más profundamente con la energía de los Dragones, estuve todo un año padeciendo ataques de ira. Tuve que separarme de mi compañero, que no sabía acompañar mi proceso ni tampoco creìa que el sexo fuera algo espiritual. Hice un gran trabajo para equilibrar toda la información y energía que estaba llegando a mi. Hoy por hoy , elijo el celibato, como forma de limpiar mi Árbol Madre Padre Genealógico. Cuando llegue el Ser Afín, esa energía será retroalimentada en profundo Amor. Y los Dragones de la Ira, se sublimarán en amorosos, sabios y juguetones.
Abrazo de Luz
Gracias Matías! Excelente post Si todo lo podemos transformar en algo útil entonces seremos conscientes de que todo sentimiento podemos trabajarlo desde el amor!
Fascinante información valiosa para nuestro despertar… conocer de donde surge la Ira y su relación con la sexualidad.
Gracias Matías
Hola Matías, desde Colombia.
No, me quedó claro, debe uno tener sexo a diestra y siniestra o aprender a controlarlo, sin tener que tener sexo?
Gracias Matías.
Wow! Respiro , respiro, respiro. No pude evitar llorar al final de la lectura . Cuándo tenía 14 años me atropellaron y como consecuencia tuve una fractura sacroiliaca, ahora me preguntó si la ira es aportación de uno de mis ancestros. Ahora entiendo cómo trabajar en ello, gracias!
Gracias mi Maestro Matías, YoSoy Fuego y Vida en acción, te abrazo con mi alma
He won’t be speaking today.
Demasiado bueno para ser cierto se nos condeno por mucho tiempo y nadie nos enseño como dirigir esa energía la misma que nos creo y hace mover el universo, por que tanta injusticia me pregunto con esta humanidad?
Bueno solo nos queda hacer eso y sincerarnos que nos hace falta y cual seria nuestra impotencia …?
Buenas tardes Matìas
FELICITACIONES….. EXELENTE TEMA es momento de dar a conocer la Sexualidad sin ruborisarnos, libres de saber que tenemos un poder marvilloso en nuestro cuerpo.
In ceremony the fire must be tended, must be kept alive, for the dancers, by the dog soldiers. As dancers, we look to the fire at night and throughout the 3 days of no food or water, rising to our feet whenever the drum beats again. We lose track of space and time, but we know that the fire is always with us, supplying us, as we dance. Almost everything drops away except the fire, the drum, the tree. Everything unnecessary falls away. We follow the crumbs to the fire to understand where we have been blocked. Where is our creativity squashed? So we stomp the anger and frustration with every beat of the drum.
In 5 element medicine, wood (liver/anger) feeds fire (heart/joy)
Gracias Mati ❤ que hermosa explicacion, me sirve mucho.
Fui leyendo algunos comentarios, ya me estoy encariñando con esta red 😍
La primera vez que senti una gran impotencia fue a los 6 años cuando nacio mi hermano mas chico, con espina bifida, y lo vi a el y a muchos niños sufrir en los hospitales, y el sufrimiento de mis padres, siendo yo tambien una niña. Senti mucha impotencia mas no ira sino una tristeza profunda. Podria decir que recien hace algunos años pude comprender lo vivido.
Trabajare en alimentar y no reprimir a mi fuego 🔥🔥
Que justa y sabia la explicacion de equilibrar nuestro fuego para que no queme la casa o el pueblo pero que ilumine , caliente y sea creador.
Con respecto a la sexualidad uff cuanta represion!!
Solo estaria con alguien que me amara, y respetara como ser. Pero no fui siempre tan conciente de esto, lo aprendi a base de prueba y error.
Recuerdo las charlas con mi maestro de Yoga en el grupo y nos decia que en nuestras sociedades no hay cultura del error, no nos permitimos errar, y eso que aqui en Alemania el error esta vastante permitido.
Muy ricas reflexiones, que afortunada me siento de estar recibiendo todas estas enceñanzas 😊 Gracias Mati 🙏❤🔥
Unchained Melody
Life – is one of the strangest…
FB Sister Act :*
Olá Matias,
Vim aqui dizer que me aconteceu algo estranho hoje, durante a alinhação. Ao final, comecei a rugir e, ao que me parece, estava a responder a entidade que veio falar, eu falava involuntariamente em uma língua muito parecida, se não a mesma, que a entidade estava falando. Era mesmo como se eu estivesse respondendo. Não compreendo nada. Mais no final sabia qual era a mensagem. No começo fiquei com muito medo, levou um tempo para assimilar o que aconteceu, porque isso nunca me aconteceu antes.
E vim aqui partilhar com você, ainda meio assustada.
Se puder me dar mais informações sobre a entidade e em que língua falava eu agradeço.
Um abraço e boa noite!
My dream last night was about 3 big fish that something like a dog was taking out of the water and leaving them, letting them suffer and die on land. I was angry and I tried hard to save them. I needed help to get them back to the water, but I struggled to find some help to do that. My mom was there but she wasn’t able to help because they were huge fish. One of the fish was saying that it was dying. I was mad and sad and I wanted to save the fish. I splashed some water on the fish and then I kept looking for some help to get it back in the water. I felt so helpless and angry and not able to find anybody to help me put the fish back in the water. Today I will make a fire to help turn my passion into creation. Keeper of the hearth. I desire I Am
Hay una mujer, de unos 70 años, en mi residencia, con demencia. Es (con medicación y trato se ha suavizado) muy agresiva: pega, muerde, pellizca…
Se ve que su marido la pegaba.
Entiendo que ella expresa su impotencia con ira.
Me gustaría saber qué impotencia sentía el marido para pegarla. Supongo que el sentimiento de no ser suficiente, de no ser perfecto, de no tener todo bajo control. A veces, la pareja que no pega también puede provocar psicológicamente.
Buenas noches.
Y también quiero (de hecho, estoy en ello) no negar al ignorante, a la clase baja, al que tiene “pocas luces”, al currante, al hacedor. Pues, muchas veces, en él hay llama, pasión, espontaneidad, alegría, veracidad….que no hay en las capas altas.
Todo en equilibrio, please, bitch.
Cuanta simpleza, belleza y profundidad en tus palabras……..🤍
Te admiro y respeto cada día más, tus palabras son bálsamo para mi diario vivir.
Gracias Matías 🙂
Cada día siento que estoy reconociendo lo que me molesta de mi. lo fue reprimo de mi .lo que oculto con mis caretas. Gracias por hacer que me empiece a reconocer ..
Soy psicóloga y tú blog es uno de los libros más valiosos que he leído. Amo tus post diarios.
Gracias 🙏 estuvo hermosa la charla, yo creo en lo que dices, suavidad, fluidez, respeto y manifestacion. Hermoso.
Cuanta información por procesar! 🙆🏻♀️ Gracias a Ghan, a tí Matí y a todos esos seres que cada día nos nutren y honran con su presencia. Namaste 🙏
♥️♥️♥️🌷🌷🌷 re-leí el post… Primera vez que leo todos los comentarios… Tienes cuero de chancho. ( Así decimos en Chile a los humanos como tú) Eres fantástico. Te re-amo!!! Gracias!!!
(Yo no estoy tan al centro, más bien en la periferia.)
Buenos días a todos
Interesante el tema de hoy, gracias Matías por todos los aportes de cada día muy enriquecedores.
Gracias, gracias, gracias
Qué tema Mati! muy interesante ! Infinitas gracias! Abrazo
More and more, I feel like living in a different world, interconnected with so many pieces of the puzzle of creation coming together. My I AM presence slowly takes over my readiness to be transformed. Gratitude is oozing out of my skin.
Esta está siendo la mejor experiencia psiconáutica de todas. Se está poniendo cada vez más bueno el viaje. La verdad que estoy disfrutando de este recorrido hacia el interior del Ser. Cada vez veo más. Siento más. Hago más. Aprendo y aprehendo. Y todo gracias a que Yo Soy.
I got also exited, like Rituparna, when I red this. It’s so wonderful to have this kind of confirmations, If you know what I mean. I’m not highly sensitive person, or sensitive at all, so I don’t feel any this kind of things 🙂
Referring to SISU:s comment, there is a great book by Swedish Iris Johansson, she tells about her childhood as an autistic child, and her experiences confirm all that SISU pondered in his comment about autistic persons abilities. I’m not sure if that book has been translated to english, it can be red in swedish or finnish :). In swedish the name is something as “Different life that I know”
Reconociendo mi ira… veo claro las razones de mi impotencia…. siento que puedo explotar y terminaría liberada… en el vacío. De seguir en la 3D… podría correr,, hasta que mi rabia se quedara sin energía. Respiraré con consciencia y daré el paso a paso.. con fe para crear.
Gracias Ghan y Matías!!!
Que soyado tu amigo! Para explicar las cosas
Gracias Mati,
Ufff, aveces olvido lo aprendido en las situaciones que necesito tener presente.
Pero poco a poco iré integrandolas.
Bueno, esa es una tema para mi. Proveniendo de la cultura, del país, de la familia…analizo y observo todo el alrededor y puedo ver cómo la ira influye mi vida. Comenzó a practicar el dejar fluir, siento el fuego en mi, en el momento en que comienza la rabia, y me pregunto entonces: de donde viene y por que…solo pensar en ese instante y no actuar, me calma y después se va. Gracias. Sigo trabajando.
Well… Like now but without so much mediocrity. LOL… xD
It is interesting how we hide our emotions from each other. And so natural in a human society. I was once asked: Are people like they are or like we want them to be? And on the one hand – it would be so nice to let everybody be natural as they are and on the other hand – usually we do have expectations. And we do have some projections. I like when people tell me that they can be natural around me. And still there is so much control in me.
So beautiful about anger and so hard sometimes to take the power inside, to relay on own power. Last days I have been feeling so much love and tenderness. and my dreams are beautiful, a bit strange but feel beautiful. Like somebody was holding on my shoulder blades and I had to dive in water and could not come out of water – so I felt fear, panic, desperation and then such a relief .
Hi ma,
I just dawned on me that i never had duck as a dish. When i was living in London, someone mentioned to me with much emphasis that the queen (Elizabeth) would punish a citizen that killed a swan. I saw countless of swans while traveling and considered them as a sign for me. Same as you, as I see you making swan poses, reminds me of the connection from Egypt.
The man who violented me in the US killed a swan with his gun (he mentioned this to me), but at the time…I did not know who i was fully, i had an innocent heart and made a mistake to not be cautious.
Now I understand the Isis and the bird. As our charts are synchronic from past life in Egypt from the same family and from the same leo stellium, I say that you are my Isis (Osiris) because I can see that in which you see.
I was born with an eye deficiency and lost 70% of my vision, still, I can see what most cannot. When I approach any person or just while standing in the streets, most start talking about death and I never understood the depth of the motive behind that.
I realize the motive behind your Odin and Osiris connection with the invisible currents and mine as lack of eye sight, from Isis, that we both work together as seeing the same, and worked in the underworld because around others, they see in me and in you (i noticed) that we are able to conversate about death without much taboo. It was the motive behind my international travels, that many who have been in the war (really old people i talked with and immigrants) connected with me mentioning the war and the past, as i grew up with that being usual as the family which i grew up showed me this type of content (a soul mission and karmic, i am the same in this life however i was unconsciously thinking that was the norm for a child to watch and is not).
I also remember the school of astrology and science and grew up explaining to many people the signs that were compatible were opposites as of elements, such as water with earth, not water with water. I still remember this (since when i was around 12 i would babble this to others repeatedly), and that you as tut used to wear the white clothes (as you wear now much white, i can notice) as you enjoyed that color even back then, even with the big hat you find strange now, it was just a costume for you (but for other people, were a differentiation manner from the ones who lived at our temple, but for us it was normal…we lived closely tighted). Walking in the streets, we did not get much sun and used the carriages for shadow (that is why people mention now we used to be carried, it was from the carriages not to expose from the strong sun – and i am the same today) because our village was very hot as you are aware, motive behind that you still work to make the rain fall down so we are enabled to feel the humidity going afresh and released. Is you as Osiris and tut…
Want to make it real that we are able to work and partner once again to bring plus heightened awareness to a public, only both of us can work to make this happen consciously to bring past, present and future in the same realm and dimension. As i see what you see, you can understand my sight without explanation and this is enough for what is for behavior modification.
– Alessandra